About This Site

What is this?

This is a website for generating reports from games played on 18xx.games. Simply copy the game log from a completed or in-progress game and submit it here to get an overview of player cashflows over time, route values, and other interesting things.

What games are supported?

Only a small fraction of games have full support of the parser at this time:

Submitting logs from other games will likely result in an error, especially if they have rules which differ substantially from 1830. Hopefully more games will be added over time.

How does it work?

The log is first parsed into individual game events, which are then processed into a stream of ledger entries and other granular data. Visualizations are generated using the excellent vega-lite library. Source code for the whole contraption is available here.

What data does this site collect?

Other than some basic traffic logging from the http server, the only data collected and stored is what is entered into the text box in the submission form. Game logs are stored on the server for a maximum of 30 days (or until the process restarts due to a deployment &c).